PRMA Committees
Part of the work done by the Association depends on the efforts made by our committees. You can be part of any of them and, therefore, help to establish the public policies of the Association, both for the manufacturing and service industries. In addition, it is a good way to keep up to date with the latest trends, legislation or regulations that affect your company. Here are the active committees for this year. Participate in one or more of our committees or delegate to a member of your organization. It is the best way to take advantage of your membership in the Association.

Environment and permits
It helps to establish the public positions of the Puerto Rico Manufacturer's Association in all legislation or regulations that have environmental aspects. It collaborates with the industries in managing the challenges that arise in the fulfillment of their obligations. Coordinates the annual awards to companies that reach and exceed the levels of excellence in fulfilling their responsibility with the country's environment.

It promotes collaboration between the private and public sectors to achieve a significant reduction in energy costs in Puerto Rico. It promotes the use of alternative energy sources and provides information on energy conservation practices.

IT and business intelligence
It supports the operational function of the Association by updating its information technology components in such a way as to fulfill our commitment to provide a service of excellence, added value and immediate response to the communication and collaboration needs of our partners. Creates the foundations of an industrial collaboration with a national and multisectoral public policy that carries out a shared vision of transforming Puerto Rico into a giant of innovation and the export of services, and an engine for the generation of high-tech jobs.

Logistics and transportation
It reviews, keeps abreast and informs PRMA members of all developments in the area of ​​transportation services (air, maritime and land) such as legislation, regulations, rates and other charges, distribution and logistics.

Tax matters
Responsible for studying and submitting recommendations on both federal and Puerto Rico tax systems, including tax legislation and regulations and the administration of those programs to protect and promote the competitiveness of Puerto Rico.

Government affairs
The Government group of the PRMA is dedicated to supporting the relationships and necessary actions on government matters - Executive and Legislative Branch in PR and pertinent agencies, necessary to help the PRMA maximize opportunities and / or reduce threats in relevant matters that impact our partners' businesses.

Buyers and suppliers and supply chain
It brings together and trains supplier companies to meet industry requirements, increase business volume and generate greater economic activity in Puerto Rico, through a Multisectoral Alliance of Suppliers and Buyers. Coordinate the Yearly Buyers and Suppliers Program.

Education & entrepreneurship
It studies and recommends ways to improve the educational programs of the island so that they respond to the needs of the industry. Promotes the development of Entrepreneurship among students. Promotes Educational Alliances with the Department of Education.

Operational excellence
Is responsible for providing the forum for manufacturing and service organizations to share the results of their operational excellence strategies in their strategic plan to increase competitiveness at the national level and for the Academy to introduce future manufacturers in their application of the tools of operational excellence in the industry.

It pursues the objective of promoting discussion and analysis, via a variety of mechanisms, of the main public issues that affect the stability and full development of the country's health industry in all its areas. Given the influence of healthcare services in our economy, it is a Committee of great importance for the PRMA. Since its inception, it has been made up of key representatives from hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, health centers, insurers, and drug benefit administrators. Coordinates the yearly Health Forum.

Occupational health and safety
Represents the point of view of the manufacturing industry in the formulation of rules and regulations related to occupational safety and health. Review all the legislation related to industrial safety; proposes the revision of laws and regulations necessary to promote a climate of safety at work and education on safety; coordinates the annual awards to companies that achieve high standards with occupational health and safety.

Development of Puerto Rican industries
It brings together companies in the local industry to give special attention to their particular needs. Trains and direct them to improve their competitiveness, as well as increase business volume and generate greater economic activity in Puerto Rico. It helps to increase the number of partners in this sector.

Human Resources and labor legislation
Advises the Board on the policies and programs both Puerto Rico and federal, including legislative proposals and administrative decisions in the field of labor-management relations. It proposes a revision of laws and regulations necessary to promote a healthy business climate.

Economic planning
This Committee is tasked with keeping the Association informed about issues directly related to economic development and providing the basis for the Association's interventions in the different forums. The Committee would work closely with the committees that intervene in matters directly related to economic development, including that of taxes, competitiveness, labor matters, among others.